Everyday Arias
Everyday Arias is an independent film festival that specialises in opera shorts that incorporate elements of the everyday. Our idea of opera is diverse and we embrace submissions from world theatre traditions such as Chinese opera, Kathakali, Kabuki, contemporary opera and standard repertory . The festival is in its sixth year, and each time it is an absolute joy curating such a wonderfully unique programme . Our mission is to reimagine opera in modern contexts. Our festival is biannual however we often collaborate with other festival's on programming, and take our wonderful programme on tour.
Everyday Arias is a project and film festival that combines opera/ world theatre equivalents with short films. We welcome short film submissions lasting no more than 20 minutes focusing on an aria or particular aspect of an opera from any period from a variety of genres.
Please send your submissions to Francesca at everydayarias@gmail.com - we accept submissions via wetransfer too and make sure you credit your work before it goes live on the website.
London-area opera fans and film buffs alike are in for a treat — Schmopera
"Everyday Arias open a window into musical traditions from a variety of countries and cultures. " —GO London
The only short film festival in the UK dedicated to opera and world music